The state of philanthropy | Giving Balkans


The corporate philanthropy of companies from Russia and China on the one hand, and Europe on the other, is not portrayed in the same way in the Serbian media. An analysis of media sentiment applied to 2,476 articles on corporate philanthropy by a group of 38 companies shows that donations from companies from Russia and China are written more positively compared to donations from companies from Europe.

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Navigating the landscape of giving in 2022, the corporate sector experienced a notable 17.4% surge in donated amounts, while Mass Individual donors led the way with an impressive 21.9% increase in their giving value.

Graph 1: % of Instances of Giving disaggregated by Type of Donor – 2018 – 2022  

On the flip side, individuals saw a decrease of 42.7% in their donated amounts. Nonprofits remained steadfast, contributing consistently to the common good.

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Trends in Recipients – 2018-2022 

In the past period, nonprofit organizations consistently held the forefront as the primary recipients of donations in Croatia, and this trend persists in 2022. The country witnessed a substantial surge in support for nonprofits during the year, marking a 12% increase in frequency when comparing 2021 and 2022. Specifically, nonprofits received 37% of donation instances in 2021, which rose to 49% in 2022. 

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According to the "Giving Serbia 2022" research by the Catalyst Balkans Foundation, in 2022, citizens and companies donated 33.3 million euros for charitable purposes, which is a decrease of 21.5 percent compared to the previous year. As before, most donations were made to treat children and fellow citizens, and the biggest drop in donations was recorded in the business sector.

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Examination of Legal Framework and Opportunities for Improving the Enabling Environment

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