If you visit Ramstore shopping mall until 27th December, have a good look at their big Christmas tree. There you can see what children in foster care would like to get this holiday season, and maybe buy presents for some of them yourself. And if you’re feeling creative, make sure to prepare your own gift, and deliver it to Project Happiness by 17th December, and they will distribute gifts to children across Macedonia.

It’s the 10th year that Ramstore has set up its Christmas Tree of Wishes (Новогодишна елка на желби). Part of the tree’s decorations are wishes written down by children without parental care. The shopping center is running the project together with Red Cross Skopje and the City of Skopje. You can pick one or more gifts which you would like to provide, and of course get them right there at the mall.

And Project Happiness (Проект Среќа) recently launched the initiative “I Too am Santa Claus” (И јас сум Дедо Мраз) through which they will collect gifts for children from socially vulnerable families. Last year they managed to collect 3.500 gifts and are hoping to break the record this year.

Make sure to bring the gifts to Nano Bar in Skopje, by 17th December, as they will start delivering them to children after that date.

You are encouraged to donate store-bought gift packages, toys or clothes. When you wrap the gift make sure to indicate for children of which age/gender the gift is most suitable and also what the gift is. And don’t forget to take a picture with the gifts and share it on your social media using the #ијассумдедомраз.

Help Santa out - check out which gifts you can buy at Ramstore mall, or bring one to Project Happiness.