November is the month when our friends throughout the region reflect on this year’s highlights of philanthropy and award individuals, organizations and companies for their kindness. Partners Albania is looking for nominees for their 2017 Philanthropy Awards, and deadline for nominations ends tomorrow (November 2).
The Philanthropy Awards is an annual event organized by Partners Albania since 2011, as their gratitude to individuals and companies who contribute to improvement of the quality of life in Albanian society. Anyone can nominate individuals and companies who:
- Show sensibility and contribute to the development of local communities, environmental protection, social and economic development.
- Support continuously non-profit organizations, institutions, communities, and individuals, in support of a common good.
- Exercise their activities lawfully and in accordance with ethical standards toward the community, the environment or personnel of their company.
- Demonstrate clear and measurable results of their contribution given until the time of nomination.
- Have a local or national geographic coverage in their philanthropic activity.
Categories for nominations are:
- Award for Business Entities Contributing at the National Level,
- Award for Business Entities Contributing at the Local Level,
- Award for the Individual Contribution.
Companies and individuals can nominate themselves or be nominated by others. Nominations will be reviewed by a representative panel of civil society sector, media, and institutions supporting the economic and social development in Albania. Awards will be announced at a public event Partners Albania will organize in December 2017.
To submit your nomination please fill in the Philanthropy Award Nomination Form and send it by email to partners@partnersalbania.org or mail: Partners Albania for Change and Development, Rruga Sulejman Delvina, N.18, H.8, Ap. 12, Njësia Bashkiake 5, Kodi Postar 1022, Tirana, Albania, Kutia Postare (PO Box) 2418/1.
Deadline for submitting nominations is November 2, 2017.
Source: http://partnersalbania.org/