This donation is a continuation of the company's perennial support to the Center for protection of infants, children and youth, and it was presented to the institution on November 20th, Children's Day, with special entertainment and a magician's show for the children living at the Center.
The donation was presented by Kiril Tjurdenjev, General Manager of NIS, who said that it was a gift from the heart from all the employees of NIS, and added that the company will always be there to support them: "Today is your holiday, Children's Day, but I want your every day to be happy and holiday-like".
The center's manager, Zoran Milačić, expressed his gratitude for the donation: "We are very thankful, first and foremost to the employees of NIS, because we realized that this initiative to support our institution and provide us with necessary items came from them - we traditionally have good relations with NIS and we hope to continue them".
The collected and donated funds will be used to buy surveillance equipment for all the objects in the institution, furniture, carpets and warm flooring for the children's rooms and maternal home of the Center, which is one of the most important institutions that take care of children without parental care.
Source: http://www.rtv.rs/sr_lat/