Poverty reduction was an often-supported cause by citizens and companies in Kosovo in the first eight months of 2023.

According to the Catalyst's Balkans data, from the beginning of January to the end of August, 1,320,288 EUR was donated for this cause through 259 donation instances. The donations mainly were one-off support (98.1%), while only 1.9% of giving instances were those with long-term effects.

Citizens, through mass-individual giving, supported poverty redaction through 34.4% of philanthropy actions, while individuals contributed to 16.6% of instances of giving. During these months, the corporate sector participated in only 3.47% of philanthropy actions dedicated to poverty reduction. 22.4% of instances were donations from the diaspora, while the most supported groups were civil society organizations – with 42.1% of instances of giving and individuals/families – 57.9% of instances.

Besides the data, we picked some inspirational stories about giving to support poverty reduction in Kosovo.

  • "Balkan Orphans” Association support for those in need

"Balkan Orphans" Association is known for providing help to individuals and families in need. This year, with the support of donors from Kosovo and the diaspora, they provided houses for many families in Kosovo.

House was donated to the S. family in Rahovec, thanks to 23,002.95 EUR raised by domestic and diaspora donors in a call for donations campaign. Houses were also donated to the Sh. family in Drenas (15,610 EUR were raised in a call for donations campaign), the Sh. family in Gjakova (20,009.41 EUR were raised within the campaign), the S. family in Prizren (domestic and diaspora donors provided 14,507.57 EUR), and the S. family in Gjakova (20,010.00 EUR).

Thanks to the support of the domestic and donors from the diaspora, the "Balkan Orphans" Association also provided houses for:

  • N. family in Drenas (15,606.50 CHF were raised),
  • N. family in Ferizaj (20,002 EUR were raised),
  • N. family in Prishtina (donors from Switzerland donated 37,000 CHF and domestic donors 1,702 EUR),
  • M. family in Gjakova (diaspora donors donated 14,700 CHF, and domestic donors 6,777.68 EUR).

Besides houses, this Association also provided food packages and medical aid for families in need in various cities in Kosovo.

  • Humanitarian Association “Bereqeti” helped many families in a dire economic situation

The Humanitarian Association “Bereqeti” is another organization that provides help to people in economic need in Kosovo. Some of the stories about the good deeds of this Association can be read below.

Its branch in Prizren, thanks to a donation worth 20,000 EUR from B.B., who lives and works in Switzerland, provided a coupon in the amount of 210 EUR for 100 families with very bad economic conditions. The coupon was supposed to be used by these families to cover their basic needs, including securing food on the table.

Another newsworthy action of the branch in Ferizaj is a donation of 98 pairs of shoes and 28 pairs of athletic shoes to the Senior High School "Medreseja Alauddin" in Gjilan. This donation was possible thanks to cooperation with the Council of the Islamic Community of Ferizaj.

Humanitarian Association “Bereqeti,” branch in Drenas, with the support of public officials, undertook a humanitarian action to help the families affected by the floods by physically assisting them in getting them safe and protected after the natural disaster.

Photo source: Humanitarian Association “Bereqeti”

  • Corporate and other private companies joined in supporting those in need

The corporate sector in Kosovo also showed solidarity and donated to support poverty reduction in Kosovo. “Devolli Corporation” helped the flooded areas of Skenderaj by donating two trucks of flour and mattresses from their factories, “Comodita Home” and “M. Sillosi.” The products were donated to families in Tushilë, Llaushë, Kuqicë, and District 6 of Skenderaj.

In cooperation with the Humanitarian Association “Bereqeti”, the “Galeria” shopping mall distributed 100 packages with basic products to families in need from Prizren. The main beneficiaries were orphans, families living with social assistance, and people with physical disabilities.

An example of seasonal giving is the action of "Laura" bakery in Hajvali. The bakery donated bread to families in economic need during the Ramadan and days of Eid-ul-Fitr.

  • The contribution of “Golden Eagle” Foundation for the common good

“Golden Eagle” Foundation is also famous for its contribution to the common good. From January to August 2023, this foundation helped 25 families affected by floods in Skenderaj and Mitrovica by donating furniture and easing the burden of these families in rebuilding their homes after the floods.

Additionally, the foundation donated 200 school bags for pupils from families in economic need so that they can ease these families’ burden in getting their youngsters well-equipped for school.

Photo source: "Golden Eagle" Foundation


Throughout the first eight months of 2023, a heartwarming display of philanthropy in various forms has shown a shared commitment to reducing poverty. Citizens, individuals, and even the corporate sector have stepped up to support this crucial cause. Inspiring stories from organizations like the "Balkan Orphans" Association, "Bereqeti," and the "Golden Eagle" Foundation illustrate acts of kindness, such as providing housing, food, and aid to those in need. These stories collectively showcase the enduring spirit of solidarity and compassion that continues to make a meaningful impact on individuals facing economic hardship.

If you want to know more about these donations, you can access the database and analyze the data for yourself.

Want to know more about philanthropy and donations in Kosovo? Check out our report on the state of philanthropy - Giving Kosovo 2022.

Cover photo source: "Balkan Orphans" Association

This article is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Catalyst Balkans and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

The Citizen Engagement Activity in Kosovo is a five-year initiative implemented by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).