Giving Kosovo” is part of “Giving Balkans” – a unique database on philanthropy in the Western Balkans, that offers detailed overview of philanthropy in Kosovo. By providing you and your organization with such information, it is enabling and empowering you to plan fundraising activities based on valuable insights.

By utilizing “Giving Kosovo,” you can:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of philanthropy in Kosovo;
  • Identify donors supporting initiatives similar to yours;
  • Find your niche in the philanthropic ecosystem.

User-friendly visual data and reports allow you to delve into data regarding who, how, and the amounts donated since 2015. You can easily filter data by:

  • Donors
  • Recipients
  • Donation amounts
  • Purpose of donations
  • Location
  • Timeframe

In the rest of the article, you will find out how to use the “Giving Kosovo” app and secure daily access to verified information about philanthropy in Kosovo.

“Giving Kosovo” methodology – How data is collected?

The data in the “Giving Kosovo” app are collected by Catalyst’s Balkans unique methodology, which involves media monitoring at the local, regional, and national levels, including printed, electronic (radio and TV), and online media throughout the year.

The other data source is the direct communication and verification from the most prominent donors and fundraisers.

You can read more about the methodology at the link here.

Why is it important to collect data on philanthropy?

Harnessing the power of data has become an indispensable tool for civil society professionals in Kosovo, and below you will find why.

1. Understanding the environment

Getting a comprehensive picture of the philanthropic environment in Kosovo is one of the main benefits of gathering data on philanthropy. You or your organizations can carefully deploy resources using this data, finding underserved areas and ensuring that their initiatives have a significant impact.

2. Transparency and accountability

Trust in generosity is built on a foundation of transparency. Individual or corporate donors want to know that their donations have a real impact. Civil society organizations in Kosovo show their dedication to accountability by gathering and exchanging information about charitable endeavors. It conveys the message, "We appreciate your support and are open about how it is used."

3. Identifying trends and possibilities

Data is more than just statistics; it contains stories and trends that are just waiting to be discovered. Individuals and civil society organizations can spot trends in giving by examining philanthropic data.

  • Are there any new causes that are gaining attraction?
  • Are there any locations that are continually underserved?

With the use of these insights, you, as an individual or organization, can stay one step ahead of the curve by modifying your tactics to suit changing community demands.

4. Resource allocation that works

Every civil society worker in Kosovo knows the importance of proper resource distribution, especially when there are not enough for all. Using the data, organizations can make wise decisions about how best to distribute resources. And this also serves other individuals or groups that want to start supporting a cause or addressing a problem in their community.

5. Motivation for donors and partners

Donors are inspired to donate more when they see concrete evidence of the effects of their contributions. They can find synergies and places to collaborate to accomplish more substantial results.

Accessing the “Giving Kosovo” data

Excited to see the data? Below, you will be guided step by step to access the data, which can help you make informed decisions and craft effective fundraising strategies for your organization.

  • Step 1:

Go to app

  • Step 2:

Select the country and the year(s) for your desired data.

You will get visually presented data.

  • Step 3:

To learn more about donors, go to the “Donors” section to find everything about them.

  • Step 4:

You can get, search, and filter data by supported causes in the “Donations” section.

  • Step 5:

You can also search and get data by “Geography” and “Beneficiaries.”

The “Deep Search” option is a place where you can search by keywords or phrases you are interested in. For example, healthcare services, donation of houses, and community initiatives.

.When you find the data that you are looking for, you can export it and save it on your computer for later using the “Export” option.

There is also “CiviGraph” – an advanced tool that enables you to visualize a complex network of donors and beneficiaries in an attractive and intuitive way. By clicking on nodes in the graph, you can explore the network and find potential donors and beneficiaries belonging to the various criteria selected in previous tabs. Below the graph, all the donations associated with the selected node will be displayed in a table.

If you want to be a part of the database, you can report your donations on the link at any time.

How can these data be useful for CSOs (and others)?

For all civil society organizations and individual fundraisers, “Giving Kosovo” is an essential tool that will help you make better decisions and strategies. The data in the app paints a holistic picture of the region's culture of giving, aiding in the planning of philanthropy initiatives within your community. By knowing more about how people give and what causes they support, you can plan your philanthropy initiatives in a more informed manner in the future.

Using the data on philanthropy can allow you to:

  • Understand the previous years’ philanthropic trends, examining the recipients, methods, and causes that received significant support;
  • Witness real-world giving examples;
  • Get a bigger picture of the culture of giving in Kosovo;
  • Make new plans for your community based on the data you get.


Data on philanthropy isn't just about statistics; it's about making a more significant impact, building trust, and fostering collaboration.

Start using the Giving Kosovoapp, a valuable database dedicated to philanthropic activities in Kosovo, discover your place in the philanthropic ecosystem, and unlock resources and expertise for your cause.

This article is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Catalyst Balkans and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

The Citizen Engagement Activity in Kosovo is a five-year initiative implemented by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).