Individuals have been the most prominent donor in Kosovo since the tracking of philanthropy in Kosovo began. Just in the period from 2020 to 2022, they donated more than 2,3 million euros for the common good through 912 giving instances.

Education and poverty relief are the two topics most supported by individuals through the years. One-off donations are the dominant type of individual donations in terms of intended effects, and last year individuals donated 15.5% of the donated amount and participated in 29.6% of donation instances.

In the rest of the article, read inspirational stories about individual giving in Kosovo.

“Balkan's Orphans” – a humanitarian association trusted and supported by individuals

“Balkan's Orphans” is a humanitarian association often supported by known individuals with money, services, and goods donations. One of the examples is the donation from 2020 when M.A. from Switzerland donated a “Mercedes V Class 220” worth around 51,000 euros to the Association. The purpose of the donation was to be in the service of the older people's home in Suhareka, Municipality of Prizren.

The same year Xhavit Krasniqi donated 20,000 euros to the Association “Balkan's Orphans” to contribute to the home construction of the five-member family of F.M., who was physically disabled and lived in deplorable conditions.

In 2021, Sejdi Tasholli donated 1,000 kg of flour to the Association to support their humanitarian activities for people in need, while Gzim and Artan Elshani from Piranë village of Prizren donated 5,000 kg of flour for the same purpose.

Last year, Veton Hoti, who lives in Switzerland but originally is from Krusha e Madhe and is a regular donor of the organization, donated a vehicle.

Support for the Humanitarian Association “Bereqeti”

Another organization known for its work and supported by many donors is Humanitarian Association “Bereqeti.”  One of them is Sadri Buzhala from Suhareka, living and working in Switzerland, who in 2020 donated a “pick-up” vehicle for the Association “Bereqeti” branch in Suhareka to ease the process of delivering aid from the Association to the people in need.

In 2021 a donor who wanted to remain anonymous helped 40 families from Janjeva, Shashkovci, and Akllapi with a donation of 2,000 euros and 1,000 kg of flour.

Another example is entrepreneur Xhavit Krasniqi who joined the campaign “Sofra e Ramazanit 2022” campaign by donating 2,500 euros in total for food packages delivered to families in need during Ramadan. Each package is worth 30 euros.

“Support for the Humanitarian Association “Bereqeti”

Support for the education

One of the examples of donations intended to support education is a donation for the library of the school "18 Prilli" in Malisheva in 2020. The library received a donation of 221 copies of school textbooks for students from 1st to 9th grade. This was achieved through the donation of a compatriot from Malisheva, living in Switzerland, who wished to be anonymous.

Another example is from 2022. The “Bereqeti” Humanitarian Association in Drenas, in cooperation with the Chairman of the Council of the Islamic Community in Drenas, announced the opening of a well for the “Hasan Pristina” Elementary School in the village of Llapushnik. The already existing wells on the grounds of the school no longer produced potable water, so an urgent solution was needed. A neighboring landowner, Jeton Thaçi, donated the use of his land for the digging of the well.

Volunteer contributions from diaspora experts

In 2022, through the Citizen Engagement Activity in Kosovo (CEA), a five-year initiative implemented by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the three experts from the diaspora, voluntarily for several weeks have offered their professional expertise by raising the capacities of the representatives and activists of the three local CSOs, in the fields of environment, education and public relations on sensitive issues, which include marginalized groups. Their engagement was made by KCSF's partner in the realization of this activity, the GERMIN organization.

Atifete Xhemaj, an expert from Belgium, has voluntarily worked with the staff of the Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (KRCT) to find adequate forms and channels to communicate the support they provide to survivors of sexual violence during the Kosovo war. Moreover, she has managed to assist the organization in preparing campaigns to raise awareness in our society about this sensitive category.

The Sustainability Leadership Kosova (SLK) organization has managed to gain knowledge from expert Kreshnik Rama, who lives in Sweden. His specific contribution was in training the staff of the organization on the issue of energy and the challenges related to data collection on the emission of gases. This organization uses the information obtained in one of the fields with the largest gap in the country for the education of the mass and its partners.

Kaltrina Durmishi, an expert from Austria, has supported the Teach for Kosovo organization in expanding contacts and networking with representatives of the diaspora, businesses, and important organizations in Austria. All this is done to create partnerships, raise funds, and include the diaspora in their scholarship program.

Volunteer contributions from diaspora experts


Many stories about the contribution of individuals to their communities in Kosovo tell us how important their role is in Kosovo's philanthropy ecosystem. To get detailed information about individual philanthropy in Kosovo and inspiration on how you can help, visit the link.


Cover photo: Komuna Istog

This article is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Catalyst Balkans and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

The Citizen Engagement Activity in Kosovo is a five-year initiative implemented by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).