World Environmental Protection Day (June 5th) is a global reminder of our collective responsibility to safeguard the planet. This day isn't just about celebrating the beauty of nature, but also recognizing the urgent need to address environmental challenges. Such a need is also present in Kosovo.

Giving Balkans data reveals that environmental protection in Kosovo has not received the attention and funding it needs. Over the past five years, from 2019 to 2023, only 26 charitable actions related to environmental protection were recorded, with a total donation amount of just 4,641 euros. This figure highlights a significant gap in the philanthropic landscape of Kosovo and underscores the need for increased awareness and action.

A closer look at environmental philanthropy in Kosovo

The business sector has emerged as the most prominent donor, with 14 out of the 26 charitable actions coming from corporate entities and SMEs. This is a positive sign, showing that businesses are beginning to recognize their role in environmental stewardship. The remaining part are contributions from citizens, and Civil Society Organizations. Below are the largest donations for the environment through years.

The largest registered donation in May 2022 was from ProCredit Bank. 3,870 euros were given for environmental cleanup and creating more green public spaces. Another monetary contribution came in October 2022, when the Municipality of South Mitrovica completed the planting of 27 trees near Mitrovica Lake, thanks to a 600-euro donation from TWIG, a circular economy-oriented fintech company.

In 2021, NLB Bank, in collaboration with the Municipality of Prishtina, planted 123 trees in the Memorial Park of Velania as part of the "Ta duam dhe ta mbrojmë natyrën" (Let's love and protect nature) initiative.

Corporate contributions have further supported environmental causes through both monetary and in-kind donations. A notable example is the cross-sectoral cooperation seen in Prishtina. In 2020, the telecommunications and IT services provider “3CIS JSC” joined the "Bëhu Mik i Prishtinës" (Be a Friend of Prishtina) campaign initiated by the Municipality of Prishtina, by donating e helping plant 12 seedlings in the space of the park “Taukbahçe”. This campaign focused on raising awareness about protecting and promoting a healthier and greener world. Similarly, the NGO “Helvetas” contributed 18 seedlings to the same initiative, planting them in the park "1 October" in Prishtina, showcasing how organizations can collaborate with local authorities to enhance urban green spaces.

Planting of the 12 seedlings in Prishtina, donated by 3CIS JSC
Photo source: Official “Facebook” account of “3CIS JSC”

Furthermore, the Municipality of Prishtina benefited from a donation of about 400 seedlings from the club "XTrailers," funded by the "Run green, run clean" and "Prishtina Trail Marathon 2019" events. This initiative added significant green space to the capital city.

Individual contributions have also made an impact. In 2020, lawyer Osman Havolli volunteered his time to fix dangerous wells in the community, demonstrating how individual efforts can lead to tangible improvements in public safety and environmental health.

A call to action: elevating environmental philanthropy

As we commemorate World Environmental Protection Day, it is crucial to intensify our collective efforts to protect and nurture our environment. This requires increased awareness, substantial investments, and proactive engagement from both individuals and organizations.

The current state, marked by only 26 charitable actions totaling 4,641 euros over five years, indicates a pressing need for a greater effort to protect the environment. Addressing these challenges is vital for our well-being, and the planet's sustainability.

Let us seize this opportunity to prioritize environmental protection. By doing so, we can ensure a healthier, greener, and more sustainable future for Kosovo and beyond.

Cover photo: Uran Krasniqi


This article is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Catalyst Balkans and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

The Citizen Engagement Activity in Kosovo is a five-year initiative implemented by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).