Crowdfunding has revolutionized how communities can support important causes, offering a platform for collective action and meaningful change. By combining resources from various donors, crowdfunding has the potential to provide vital funding for nonprofits and social initiatives, turning visions into reality.

In Kosovo, crowdfunding has been instrumental in advancing education, healthcare, and other critical areas. From innovative projects to life-saving initiatives, the following nine campaigns (from 2019 to 2023) highlight the power of community-driven support and its significant impact on the country's development.

1. “Join the fight”

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, “BONEVET” initiated a campaign to raise funds for producing 3D-printed masks. The goal was to provide protective equipment to all health professionals and caregivers who risked their own safety while treating people affected by the disease.

Through the generosity of donors, an amount of 65,999.87 euros was raised through “KOSOVA ideas” platform, significantly aiding this crucial effort. “BONEVET” had produced 8,497 masks and donated 7,093 to health and administrative workers, as well as others in need, to prevent the virus's spread during their work.

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2. “One Robot Per Child”

The Kosova Makers League launched the campaign “One Robot Per Child” with the goal of raising 50,000 euros through the “KOSOVA ideas” platform, to support the digitalization of at least 50% of primary schools in Kosovo. The funds were intended to equip these schools with the educational micro-robotic tool "Maqueen Plus."

This campaign, launched on November 16, 2023, successfully raised 64,175 euros. The initiative is a major step forward in integrating technology into the education system, providing students with the opportunity to work with modern tools and fostering a culture of innovation in classrooms across Kosovo.

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3. “Galeria 17”

NGO “Shtatëmbëdhjetë (17)” has brought a new dimension to the art scene in Prishtina with the creation of “Galeria 17”, an exhibition space dedicated to social issues. This gallery provides artists and curators a platform to explore concepts, ideas, and physical environments, encouraging exhibitions that are bold in content and intended to spark dialogue and foster public debate.

To realize this vision, the team launched a fundraiser on the “KOSOVA ideas” platform. By mid-September 2021, they had successfully raised 15,008 euros. The funds were also intended for further renovations, transforming the space into not just a gallery but also as an experimental venue for artists, providing a much-needed creative hub in Prishtina.

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4. “Linja e Jetës” 

“Linja e Jetës” is a suicide prevention hotline established in November 2019 by the NGO “QIPS”. During 2021, it was the only emergency service in Kosovo that primarily assisted individuals struggling with thoughts of suicide. The hotline, staffed by twenty-nine trained volunteers, uses methods taught by “113” the suicide prevention hotline in the Netherlands.

To improve the skills of their volunteers, the NGO launched a fundraiser on the “KOSOVA ideas” platform. This campaign, which concluded in mid-April 2021, successfully raised 5,295 euros. The funds were allocated to support the training of active volunteers by their partners at the “113” hotline, improving their skills and ensuring they are better prepared to assist individuals in crisis.

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5. “Music 4 all”

The “Music 4 all” is a music school located in Plementina, Obiliq, offering free music classes and workshops for children and youth. The school launched a project through the “KOSOVA ideas” fundraising platform with the aim of expanding their musical and artistic activities. By the beginning of 2022, 5,075 euros were raised to purchase necessary teaching and art materials, equipment, and funds for transportation, events, and heating bills.

The Center "Music 4 ALL" is a pioneering initiative, particularly noted for its focus on the traditional Roma music and other genres.

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“BONEVET Prishtina”, in collaboration with Albanian artist Driant Zeneli, embarked on an exciting project titled “The Animals. Once Upon a Time… in a present time.” This project, showcased at the Manifesta Biennial—one of the most prestigious biennials in Europe— aimed to portray the ostrich (a non-flying bird) as an environmental advocate by repurposing wasted plastic into useful objects and tools.

Through this initiative, more than 150 young people across Kosovo had the opportunity to work with 3D printers, 3D designing software, and learn about practical recycling. The project received support through the “KOSOVA ideas” crowdfunding platform, raising 3,486 euros, with the aim to purchase materials and set up the space for the recycling process.

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7. “Cycle Kosovo for Children”

Action for Mothers and Children (AMC) Foundation, together with the organizers of "Cycle Kosovo for Children" launched a fundraising campaign to address the lack of baby beds in the neonatology ward in Mitrovica. This local initiative is part of an annual charity event where cyclists raise funds for AMC.

In 2019, the event successfully provided fifteen baby beds for the ward. This year marked the sixth successful event, with around thirty cyclists participating in a four-day journey that raised 10,000 euros through company contributions, individual donations, and online campaigns. The crowdfunding segment of the campaign, which concluded on December 9, 2019, raised 2,195 euros.

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8. “Empowering Roma women and girls through handicrafts”

“SAKUNTALA” NGO launched a crowdfunding campaign through the “KOSOVA ideas” platform to empower Roma women and girls by improving their vocational skills in handicraft activities. The project, designed to foster socio-economic development, traditional creativity, and strengthen cooperation with the private market, women's NGOs, and local institutions, raised 850 euros of the 2,400 euros target.

The training took place in the municipality of Prizren at the Yunus Emre Institute, with additional sessions held both in Prizren and Peja. Women aged 18-50 participated in the 4–5-month training, facilitated by experts in women's empowerment through handicrafts. This project provided direct benefits to Roma women and girls in the abovementioned municipality.

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9. “Spark Creativity: Help Us Ignite the Future of ‘Odhise Paskali’ High School!”

The High School of Applied Art "Odhise Paskali" in Peja, Kosovo, faced a critical challenge in their Ceramic Design program, due to the absence of a suitable kiln for firing students' creations. With 60 students—60% of whom are female—the limited capacity of the kiln limited their skill development and creative exploration. To address this challenge, the school launched a fundraising campaign to purchase a new ceramic kiln, aiming to enhance students’ abilities and shape the artistic landscape for current and future generations.

Launched on November 16, 2023, the campaign successfully raised 6,610 euros of its 11,000 euros goal. Donor support is crucial for the success of this project, which will have a lasting impact on the artistic community in Kosovo.

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These campaigns highlight the tangible impact of crowdfunding in Kosovo, helping communities and enhancing lives. Every contribution, regardless of its size, helps pave the way for a more stable future. To support ongoing efforts, consider exploring active campaigns in Kosovo and become part of the community working to enhance the lives of people across the region.


This article is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Catalyst Balkans and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

The Citizen Engagement Activity in Kosovo is a five-year initiative implemented by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).