Charity is a powerful way for individuals to make a difference in their communities. Therefore, representing, inspiring, and celebrating its impact on the lives of those in need is important.

As the International Day of Charity is celebrated on September 5th , it's essential to recognize the many acts of kindness that have taken place throughout the past year. In Kosovo, 2023 has been a remarkable year for giving, marking the biggest volume of philanthropic support to date. Citizens as donors have been particularly influential, contributing 982,204 euros to various causes – directly supporting many individuals and families.

What causes were supported by citizens' donations?

Health and medical treatments emerged as the most supported cause, with 510,000 euros donated across seven charitable actions, reflecting strong commitment from both local and diaspora donors. Poverty relief also received substantial support, with 286,916 euros donated through 166 charitable actions, showcasing the community's dedication to helping those in need. In response to natural disasters and emergency situations, 150,000 euros were donated, highlighting the importance of immediate relief efforts. Additionally, support for marginalized groups garnered 31,613 euros through 15 charitable donations, while education received 2,175 euros from 32 donations, demonstrating a commitment to empowering young and future generations.

Let's see five inspiring stories of citizens in Kosovo and diaspora who saw a need and stepped up to support charitable activities in 2023.

1. A Bicycle Journey for Charity

Arbert Lubeqnqi, a resident of Germany, donated 1,850 euros to support autism in Kosovo. On May 13 he embarked on an 1,850 km cycling journey from Kassel in Germany to the Municipality of Istog in Kosovo, covering the distance over 15 days in 2023. Lubeniqi pledged 1.00 euros for each kilometer traveled in support of autism initiatives, resulting in the donation of 1,850 euros.

2. Support for a Single Mother in Fushë Kosova

In October 2023, S.H., a single mother from Fushë Kosova, shared her story of struggle after losing her husband. Moved by her situation, businessman Shaqir Palushi from the Golden Eagle Foundation stepped in, offering her 300 euros per month to support her and her three children. Additionally, his colleague Arlind Gashi contributed an extra 500 euros, demonstrating the power of community and the importance of supporting one another in times of need.

3. Medical Equipment for Skenderaj

In September 2023, the Municipality of Skenderaj received a generous donation of medical equipment valued at 400,000 euros. This substantial contribution, specifically intended for the Main Center for Family Medicine in Skenderaj and individuals with disabilities, was made possible through the “Human Bridge” Association in Sweden, with a noteworthy contribution from compatriot Xhafer Balaj.

4. Food Coupons for Families in Need

In October 2023, Blerim Bajraktari, originally from Samadraxhë in Suhareka and now residing in Switzerland, made a substantial donation of 20,000 euros to the Humanitarian Association “Bereqeti” branch in Prizren. His donation was used to provide 100 families in poor economic conditions with food coupons worth 210 euros each. This act of generosity was further supported by "My Market-Euro Food," which donated an additional 1,000 euros, ensuring that the beneficiaries could receive various food packages. This initiative provided immediate relief to many families struggling to make ends meet.

5. Support for Low-Income Families in Malishevë

In January 2023, Durim Krasniqi, the owner of “Durimi Pharm” pharmacy, contributed to the Humanitarian Association “Bereqeti” branch in Malishevë. His donation of 154 euros was used to support families in low economic conditions, demonstrating that each contribution can make a meaningful impact on those in need.


These stories illustrate the profound difference one person can make in their community. In celebration of the International Day of Charity, let's take these examples as inspiration and reflect on how a person can give something in his own way. Whether through donating time, money, or resources, every act of kindness has the power to improve lives and strengthen the bonds within the community.

This article is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Catalyst Balkans and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

The Citizen Engagement Activity in Kosovo is a five-year initiative implemented by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).