Many citizens from Kosovo living abroad feel a strong connection to their homeland. This connection is often reflected in their willingness to give back to their communities and support local causes.

A study by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) found that the Kosovar diaspora is among the most active and engaged in philanthropic activities among all diaspora communities in the Western Balkans. According to data from Catalyst Balkans' database, from 2020 until 2022, diaspora donors helped Kosovo's citizens with donations valuing more than 4.5 million euros.

Kosovo is still facing many economic development and social welfare challenges, and its non-profit sector relies heavily on outside support, where the diaspora can play a critical role. Many Kosovar diaspora members have been successful in their careers and have a greater financial capacity to give back, making their contributions more valuable.

In 2020, around one-third of all donation instances and more than half of the donated amount was donated from the diaspora. Most of it (83.9% of the value) was not directly related to the pandemic but for healthcare, poverty relief, education, equipment, and scholarships. That year the diaspora participated in almost 80% of the value donated to local governments, more than 80% to institutions, and more than half of the value donated to individuals and families.

In 2021, diaspora donors initiated 194 donation instances through which more than 276,000 euros were donated. Most of the support outside of Kosovo was directed toward education. Considering the intended effect of giving, strategic donations, such as scholarships, equipment, and services, were most frequent.

In 2022, donations sourced from the diaspora amounted to 18.3% of all donations. The primary focus of giving from the diaspora was to give directly to individuals and families (53.6% of instances) in 2022, with giving to non-profits (41.1%) being a second strong giving pathway.   

What are some recent examples of diaspora giving in Kosovo?

Practice shows that diaspora giving in Kosovo primarily supports education, healthcare, and economic development initiatives and that many diaspora members participate in community development projects and volunteer activities and make financial contributions.

In the rest of the article, read more success stories and good practice examples on diaspora giving in Kosovo.

How do prominent individuals from the diaspora support communities in Kosovo?

Kosovo's diaspora supports communities in its homeland through mass and individual giving. One example of individual giving from 2020 is Arti Qelaj, an entrepreneur who lives and works in Switzerland. He donated 7,000 euros to the Down Syndrome Kosova Association to support services offered by their programs: the Early Intervention and Education Program and the Autonomy and Vocational Education Program. The Down Syndrome Kosova Association offers free professional therapeutic services in Prishtina, Prizren, Mitrovica, and Ferizaj. Since the development and maintenance of therapies are challenging for this organization, the donated funds were much needed and covered a portion of the therapeutic services offered to around 200 members of the organization.

One of the most famous philanthropists from the diaspora is Mark Kosmo, the founder, and president of the Global Albanians Foundation, known for his efforts to promote philanthropy in the diaspora and develop innovative ways of raising funds outside the borders of Kosovo.

In 2021 he got The FIDES Award for diaspora contribution. You can watch Mark's story on the link.

Philanthropists from the diaspora supported Kosovo's response to COVID-19

In 2020, Ahmet Hoti from Gjakova, who lives and works in Canada, donated four respirators to the Gjakova Hospital as help during the pandemic. Hoti also donated one respirator to the Infectious Diseases Clinic.

The same year, Mehmet Sopa from Gjilan, currently living in Switzerland, donated 73 medical beds valued at around 927,000 euros to health institutions in Kosovo. Additionally, Halili Haxhija, who lives in Germany, donated professional equipment to the Professional Firefighting and Rescue Unit in Drenas.

One notable example was also the "Mask for Kosovo" campaign, which a group of diaspora volunteers launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign aimed to raise funds to purchase masks and other essential medical supplies for hospitals and vulnerable populations in Kosovo. Thanks to the generosity of donors worldwide, the campaign raised over 100,000 euros in just a few weeks.

The "Kosovo Healthcare Heroes" campaign was launched by a group of diaspora volunteers in 2021 to support healthcare workers in Kosovo during the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign raised funds to purchase personal protective equipment and other essential medical supplies for hospitals and clinics in Kosovo and received significant support from donors worldwide.

Support for educational initiatives in Kosovo

Education is a key priority for many members of the Kosovar diaspora, and a significant amount of philanthropic activity is focused on supporting educational initiatives in Kosovo.  This includes initiatives to improve access to education for marginalized and disadvantaged communities and efforts to enhance the quality of education and promote innovation in teaching and learning. According to data from Catalyst Balkans, from January 2020 until December 31, 2022, donors from the diaspora donated scholarships totaling 1 million euros to students in Kosovo.

For example, in 2020, the Biberaj Foundation Inc., based in the USA, awarded academic scholarships to 40 students studying at the Rochester Institute of Technology Kosovo. The scholarships are part of the Biberaj Family Scholarship Award, which lasts four years and is given through a competition to students with high academic achievement who need financial assistance. The Biberaj Family Scholarship emphasizes women's empowerment in academia; therefore, the foundation awards up to 75 percent of its scholarships to female students. The scholarships prioritized students studying science, engineering, technology, mathematics, and/or journalism.

The same year, the Albanian-American Development Foundation launched a campaign called "Donate a Book" to support literacy and education in Kosovo. The campaign encouraged diaspora members to donate books to schools and libraries in Kosovo, focusing on promoting reading among young children.

In 2021, for the fifth year in a row, through its scholarship program with RIT Kosovo (American University in Kosovo), Meridian Express granted 5,000 euros worth of scholarships to students from socially disadvantaged families.

In 2022, Switzerland's LAPSH ''Naim Frashëri'' diaspora association donated 100 computers and needed accessories to the “Vëllezërit Frashëri" school in Lipjan. The donation was worth 30,000 euros.

Diaspora contribution to people in need

Another important cause that the diaspora supports is help for individuals and families in need.

In 2021, through the cooperation of the Humanitarian Association “Peja” from New York with Associations Bereqeti and HANDIKOS, humanitarian packages worth 15,000 euros were distributed to around 370 vulnerable families.

Another important initiative from 2021 is the "Kosovo for Charity" project, which was launched by a group of young diaspora volunteers from the United States. The project aims to raise funds for various charitable organizations in Kosovo, focusing on supporting vulnerable children and families. The project received support from various donors, including individuals and businesses, and raised tens of thousands of dollars just in its first few months.


The role of the Kosovar diaspora in philanthropy is essential. Their contributions support many different causes and initiatives, their impact is significant, and their commitment to social good remains strong and inspiring.

The above-mentioned are just a few examples of how the Kosovar diaspora is making a positive impact through philanthropy and community development initiatives in Kosovo. For more examples and deeper insights, visit

This article is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of Catalyst Balkans and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

The Citizen Engagement Activity in Kosovo is a five-year initiative implemented by Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF) in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).