Donor Strategies in a Time of Paradigm Shift - Mapping of The Donors Active in The Western Balkans | Giving Balkans

Donor Strategies in a Time of Paradigm Shift - Mapping of The Donors Active in The Western Balkans

What is the research about?

The third edition of Mapping of the Donors Active in the Western Balkans provides a comprehensive resource for international donors and domestic stakeholders engaged in funding civil society across Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.

What is new?

In a time marked by crises in political and economic spheres, tense international relations and shrinking spaces for civil society, grantmaking priorities are shifting. 

Through surveying, interviews, and desk research, we have analyzed the priorities and funding practices of donors contributing to the civil society in the Western Balkans, including:

  • Bilateral donors
  • Multilateral donors
  • Foreign private donors
  • Corporate donors

Donor Strategies in a Time of Paradigm Shift presents answers to two key questions:

How are the priorities of donors changing and what causes do donors now support?
see the results

What are the main changes to the donor landscape?

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Corporate philanthropy is declining in the region.

Private Donors

Foreign private foundations are shifting their priorities.

Multilateral Donors

Bilateral and multilateral donors are changing who they support.

Within the research, we provide a more detailed analysis of the state of play within the frameworks of each of the countries and we offer expert recommendations on possible directions for granting practices in the region. Download the report and find out more:
read the full report
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The contents of this research are the responsibility of Catalyst Balkans and do not necessarily reflect the views of Open Society Foundations – Western Balkans, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Balkan Civil Society Development Network, CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, or the European Commission.