2022 data shows that apart from CSOs, individuals and families, public institutions, and institutions of local/national governments, were recognized as key types of recipients of donations. In terms of donation frequency, individual and family recipients are in second place, while institutions of local/national governments were second on the list when it comes to the donated amount. More precisely, 362 donation instances were directed to individuals and families, 33 instances were directed to institutions of local/national governments, while 29 instances were directed to public institutions. In terms of the recorded value of donations, around 880,000 euros were directed to institutions of local/national governments, approximately 232,000 euros to individuals and families, and around 31,000 to public institutions.
CSOs mostly fundraised and received support through fundraising campaigns and appeals that they have initiated – around 85% of all instances and the donation value was raised in that way. It is also important to mention that most of the support was donated in the form of cash donations, with only a small percentage of money and an insignificant number of instances recorded as in-kind contributions.